That´s Shakespeare

September 2010 / 8ab
In this year`s performances year 8 students proudly present a trio of parodies based on three of William Shakespeare`s most famous tragedies – Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet. Many well-known elements and narrative structures have been turned upside down

by David Taylor, our school`s God of Theatre, to guarantee laughter and entertainment on the four nights where we are going to perform on the stage (preparing our students for life :-) in the Theatre of Grein. You will have a chance to see our shows on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, at 19.30, as well as on Sunday, at 18.00.


Europagymnasium vom Guten Hirten - 4342 Baumgartenberg 1 - Tel +43 7269 75 51 - Fax +43 7269 75 51-25