Major success in the Cambridge C1 Advanced Exam


 Juni 2023 / 8ab / E


Why does the so called “CAE certificate” make sense? Why showing additional commitment to take this certificate as a year 8 student?
First of all, the CAE certificate is an internationally recognized certificate that most companies and institutions like universities and colleges accept worldwide as visual proof of an excellent level of English. By the way, this exam also proves useful for passing your finals on level B2/ B2+ with flying colours. What is more, the C1 Advanced delivers a certificate whose validity does not expire.

This year 22 students from classes 8a and 8b faced the challenge and took the certificate at WIFI LINZ (our partner institution) successfully with the following impressive results or grades (in brackets):
Tobias Gruber (C), Tobias Heiml (C), Christina Reindl (C), Lara Ritzlmayr (C), Jonathan Harrer (C), Niels Schaumdögl (C),Sophie Hausböck (C), Julian Grabmann (C), Maximilian Auinger (C), Konstantin Riegler (C), Magdalena Höfer (B), Katharina Himmelbauer (B), Marie Weber (B), Pia Hartl (B), Elisabeth Gschosman (B), Moritz Trauner (B), Emily Grünsteidl (B), Alexander (B), and, last but not least, Leander Hidasi (A which amounts to C2), Melissa Buran (A – C2), Helena Vuketich (A – C2) and Katja Tüchler (A - C2). Marco Kastler-Pedroni reached level B2.
Congrats and best wishes for occasions where this (your) certificate will be beneficial for your future career!

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