eLearning im Eurogym: Stories about famous bears

November 2015 / 2c / Englisch
stories about

Wie kann man auf lustige, spannende Weise Kinder und Jugendliche motivieren, mit Begeisterung fremdsprachige Kinderliteratur zu lesen, zu verstehen und darauf basierend kreative Geschichten zu verfassen? eLearning erweist sich in diesem Fall als ein idealer methodisch-didaktischer Zugang, da die Kinder auf interaktive Weise Zugang zu Text und Inhalt bekommen und dadurch die Fremdsprache gerne und mit Begeisterung zum Verfassen von Geschichten oder zum Erstellen von Präsentationen anwenden. So find out about the powerful connection between famous bears and the world of IT………

In our POOL lessons class 2C plunged into an IT-based open learning session on the world of famous bears like Winnie-the-Pooh and Paddington Bear. They got to know the well-known cuddly characters by reading chapters from books, watching scenes and by taking quizzes. A major task was to think of new funny adventures for Winnie-the-Pooh and how to get honey or to come up with a new episode for Paddington Bear in London. Furthermore, the students decided on the place in London they would like to explore along the so-called “Paddington Bear Trail”. Finally, their own favourite hairy companions received special attention as students had to make presentations about their beloved bears. Among their preferred candidates were Baloo, the bear from Jungle Book and, of course, their own mascots.  

All in all, students reported back to me that they enjoyed our short trip into the fantastic world of famous literary bears or as Winnie-the-Pooh put it, “Sometimes the smallest things [like bearsJ] take up the most room in your heart!”


Europagymnasium vom Guten Hirten - 4342 Baumgartenberg 1 - Tel +43 7269 75 51 - Fax +43 7269 75 51-25