Workshops with our ‘God of English Theatre’

Februar 2015 / 4abc, 6b / Englisch
workshops with our

Uncle Bill’s Will

In February classes 4a, 4b and 4c participted in acting workshops with David Taylor, our school’s so-called “God of English Theatre”. They worked on a play called “Uncle Bill’s Will”, involving mean but funny (and maybe a little brainless) pirates, a tropical island with strange (but certainly clever) inhabitants and, of course, a hidden treasure. Needless to say, it was a fantastic experience and, besides speaking English all day long, the students definitely learned a lot about acting.

The Canterbury Tales

Also 6b students enjoyed a one-day workshop with Mr David Taylor,

actor, author and director of Vienna’s English Theatre. From early morning till late afternoon the students rehearsed two of Geoffrey Chaucer’s famous tales, dealing with issues of love, life, death, religion, treachery and greed – topics which are still as relevant now as they were in the 1300’s. 6b students were definitely enthusiastic about the workshop and can’t wait to start their “big project” next year.


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