Gilbert & George / The Iron Lady / The Ides of March and more

März 2012 / 6ab, 7ab / WPF E, WPF GSP

Wahlpflichtfach English (Form 6, Mit) students of year six and seven were very active. They went on school trips to Linz to see the Gilbert&George Exhibition at Lentos and thus got insight into their crazy attitude towards life and the artists’ views on the world, England, London. We had very controversial and impressive discussions afterwards.

Furthermore, we also went to see ‘The Ides of March’ at the cinema. This was an eye opener concerning manipulation and elections. Of course, we consequently had to discuss the US Primaries. Apart from issues like ‘international food’, film studies, different genres of music and controversial topics we learnt about British politics and Margaret Thatcher. Thus we went to see the film ‘The Iron Lady’, which was very informative and moving. This was a joint venture with the Wahlpflichtfach History class (Has, Mit).



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