Extreme Sports

Ignited by the serious accidents that happened within the last few months, year 8 English classes looked into the fascination of Extreme Sports with their teachers Mr. Meyer and Ms. Mitterweissacher going through articles, watching films and of course, working on moodle.
After two athletes had died during Red Bull extreme sports events in Switzerland, we got interested in these sports and everything liked with them. Nowadays there is a growing interest in carrying out these sports. We constantly seem to seek more thrill and adrenaline kicks, forgetting about the dangers coming with them. Companies like Red Bull sponsor events and make lots of money. Thus a closer look is vital and interesting. So we loved to deal with the issue, learning a lot, considering a lot, discussing ethical implications and also feeling the fascination of extreme sports.
Fach: E Klassen: 8a Wann: Jänner 2010 <<Zurück

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