Dance Class

Dance Class 2
This year's Mittelstufe play, 'Dance Class', was extremely successfully performed and very popular with year 5 and 6 students and their teachers (Mit, Wah).
According to the school tradition, Vienna's English Theatre staged a very lively, very well acted and vivid play about students' problems with school, detention, family and love relationships at Baumgartenberg Marktstadl on Monday, Nov. 27th.
Our students and teachers really enjoyed watching the crew act, dance and rap their messages to their audience. After the show our students got the chance to talk to the actors, which was highly apreciated by everyone.
Another highlight in our school life. We very much look forward to next year's performance.
Fach: E Klassen: 5ab, 6ab Wann: November 2006 <<Zurück

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