
On Wednesday, March 1st 2006, classes 3A and 3B had a workshop on William Shakespeare during their pool lessons. The students received a workplan which included a variety of tasks designed for both the classroom and the use of the learning platform Moodle. The students explored the world of the Bard by learning facts about his life and his famous tragedy about Romeo and Juliet. The treatment of the most famous English writer of all times will culminate in a visit to the Raimund Theater in Vienna where we are going to see the musical "Romeo und Julia".


zum Projektbericht

Fach: E Klassen: 3ab Wann: März 2006 <<Zurück

Europagymnasium vom Guten Hirten - 4342 Baumgartenberg 1 - Tel +43 7269 75 51 - Fax +43 7269 75 51-25