Pirates, island inhabitants & Shakespearean heroes/heroines

Februar 2018 / 4abc, 6ab / Englisch

As every year, David Taylor ran his rewarding and entertaining theatre workshops with Year 4 and Year 6 from 5th to 9th February 2018. The humorous pirates’ play “Uncle Bill’s Will” as well as “Silly Shakespeare” (written by David Taylor), consisting of a farcical comedy of “Macbeth” and a parody of “Pyramus and Thisbe” from “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, were the contents of the week.

While slipping into the various roles of scary and ridiculous pirates, bored island inhabitants and tragicomical Shakespearean heroes and heroines, not only did the students show confidence and eagerness, under the professional guidance of our God of English Theatre, they had the unique chance to delve into the theatre world and gain valuable life experience.

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